While a clear coat scratch might seem hard to get rid of at first glance, in actuality it can be removed in as little as fifteen minutes by applying sandpaper with the right rubbing compound. However, bear in mind that the following method will only work when the paint is undamaged. If the primer is visible, this means your scratch is excessively deep and will require a paint touch-up.
Essential Tools You’ll Need
The essential tools you’ll need for this project consist of the following:
- Automobile scratch remover: You want a compound that can eliminate light or deeper stains, heavy oxidation, scratches, or swirl marks in short order.
- Sandpaper: Ideally, you want sandpaper that is dry/wet at two thousand grit.
- Compound: The best type of compound is rubbing since it does an outstanding job of removing sand-based scratches from the vehicle’s clear coat. Actually, you may use any brand of rubbing compound you want, so long as it is safe for clear coats.
- Prep solvent: This product will remove dirt, road grease, oil, car wax, and any surface contamination while enhancing surface adhesion.
Steps for Removing the Scratches
Wash the vehicle
The scratched area that you intend to repair must be properly washed first. Apply warm water and dish soap which will eradicate the dirt. Afterward, you’ll want to spray the area using prep solvent, as this will eliminate wax, grease, oil, and various contaminants.
Sand the Area
At this point, you want to even the surface which will prevent the scratch from being visible. This is where you’ll apply the dry/wet two thousand grit-based sandpaper. While some people prefer dry sanding, others like wet sanding since it’s easier and quicker. You’ll need to soak your sandpaper in frigid water for ten to fifteen minutes. Spray the scratched area with it, and some dish soap in small amounts so it becomes slippery.
Next, you’ll want to begin sanding without adding excessive pressure. Once you’re done, wipe away the residue using a microfiber towel and check to see if the vehicle’s scratch is viewable. Avoid sanding down into its paint. It may take you several sanding rounds to get the surface even.
Cleanse the Area
Once you have an even surface with no viewable scratches, cleanse the area then dry it using a microfiber towel that is clean. After sanding the spot might look dull when compared to the remaining paint, but don’t despair since rubbing compound can be used to fix it.
Rubbing Compound
A rubbing compound must now be used to bring the paint out while eliminating sand scratches. Avoid doing this in the sun as the car will become hot and your rubbing compound may dry too quickly. The compound may be applied by hand or with a dual action polisher, but if using a polisher set it at 1800 rpm.
Polishing Compound
This step can also be done manually or with a polisher. Add a small bit of polish compound on a microfiber pad and then rub until your polisher becomes dried.
Apply Wax
Add wax for seal repair and then you’re finished. Wipe away any residue using your microfiber towel.